Monday, May 24, 2010

Environmental issues in Cambodia

 Cambodia is a country that has a rich environmental, however, nowadays it is danger. WWF is one of the non-governmental organizations who helps Cambodia with different conservation and environmental projects. Some of the work made in Cambodia is the preservation of  terrestrial and aquatic habitats and threatened species of wildlife. The projects include protection to species like tigers, asian elephants, wild cattles, waterbirds, and other species of plants and animals in Cambodia. 

WWF focuses in two priority ecoregions: Dry forests and Mekong River

The project aims to ensure that

  • Priority species are preserved in viable populations throughout the landscapes
  • A representative and viable sample of all broad habitat units is conserved
  • Natural resourses support socio-economic development
  • Effort to protect and conserve the Dry Forests landscapes are socially, financially and politically sustentable.

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